PhD Course: Privacy Preserving Computation Methods

From July 22nd through 24th, in the meeting room at the first floor of MO27 building (DIEF), Prof. Julián Salas Piñón will lecture the course on "Privacy preserving computation methods: from the basics to Privacy Preserving Machine Learning".

This is a regular course of the PhD school and attendance is warmly recommended.

Passing the final exam will award you 3 CFD.

We kindly ask to fill the form if you are interested in participating.

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23 Exciting Opportunities in ICT at the Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE (Italy) - Deadline: July 26, 2024 1:00 PM (CET)!

We are looking for motivated candidates willing to undertake challenging but rewarding research projects. The minimum duration of the course is three years. Details on the 23 available positions and admission requirements are attached as included in the full unimore call available at The deadline for applications is 26/07/2024, 1:00 PM (CET).

ranking published!

Si comunica che il 27 Settembre 2023, sono state pubblicate le graduatorie del corso di dottorato in “Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)". I candidati possono visionarle selezionando la voce "Graduatoria ammessi” dalla pagina web del corso:
Termine dell’immatricolazione: 4 Ottobre 2023 ore 15.30

We inform you that on 27 September 2023, the rankings of the doctoral course in "Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)" were published. Candidates can view them by selecting the "Admitted ranking" item from the course web page:

Registration deadline: 4 October 2023 at 3.30 pm

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PhD national award 2023 to Luca Lusvarghi

Dr. Luca Lusvarghi, a fresh Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) from the Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari", has received the GTTI Ph.D. award 2023 for the best national Ph.D. thesis in the Communication Technologies field. Luca's thesis, supervised by professor Maria Luisa Merani, was selected by a committee whose members are distinguished professors and non-academic experts in the field and was chosen among the many submitted from several national universities and polytechnics.


PhD student Ruben Asanovski recipient of the INFOS 2023 best student paper award

Modena 29/06/2023

Ruben Asanovski, PhD student of our School in ICT, Electronics and Telecommunications track, is the recipient of the Best student paper award at the 2023 Insulating Films on Semicondutors Conference (INFOS 2023) for his collaborative research and oral presentation aimed at "Investigating the Correlation between Interface and Dielectric Trap Densities in Aged p-MOSFETs Using Current-Voltage, Charge Pumping, and 1/f Noise Characterization Techniques". The work leverages experiments carried out during a stage at IMEC (Belgium), supported by the internationalization programme of UnniMORE. The imec (Dr. Jacopo Franco and Dr. Ben Kackzer) UniMORE (Prof. Luca Selmi) and UniUD (Prof. Pierpaolo Palestri) co-authors congratulate the winner for the prestigious award received at one of the most accredited conferences in the field of micro and nanoelectronics, now in its 23rd edition.

35 Exciting Opportunities in ICT at the Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE (Italy) - Deadline: July 27, 2023!

Don't miss out on these fantastic career prospects!

The Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" at UNIMORE is offering 35 positions for the Ph.D. Course in "Information and Communication Technologies" - ICT ( If you're passionate about advancing in this dynamic field, this is your chance to join a prestigious institution renowned for its cutting-edge research and innovation. Research topics in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, and Automation Control are available at

Academic English Workshop II - NEW TIMETABLE - ERRATA CORRIGE

Dear students,

in my previous communication there was a mistake.

Please notice that the lecture series in the object will be given according to the following timetable (now corrected).

Lecturer: Prof. Silvia Cavalieri


- June 13th - Tuesday - 11-14 room P0.5

- June 22nd - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.5

- June 27th - Tuesday - 14-17 room P0.1

- June 29nd - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.1


PhD Course: Academic English Workshop II - NEW TIMETABLE

Lecturer: Prof. Silvia Cavalieri


- June 13th - Tuesday - 11-14 room P0.5

- June 15th - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.1

- June 27th - Tuesday - 14-17 room P0.1

- June 29nd - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.1


Martina Casari's project among the IRCAI Global Top 100 - AI solutions for SDGs

The International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO has judged the Ph.D. research topic of Martina Casari, titled "Artificial intelligence techniques to tackle urban air pollution", as an outstanding solution to reach four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Good Health and Well-being; Affordable and Clean Energy; Sustainable Cities and Communities; Climate Action.

Martina's project aims to develop a framework and a model to help decision-makers rapidly evaluate proposed strategies to reduce air pollution by unrevealing the correlation between emission sources and observed urban air quality. Artificial intelligence and digital twin are the enabling technologies to make sense of the complex problem of urban air quality and emission reduction strategies.
In this project, an important role is also played by Wiseair, a start-up in the low-cost sensor market that collaborate and shared its data with Martina in order to jointly refine techniques to increase the reliability of low-cost sensors for measuring air quality.

Academic English Workshop I - LECTURE MOVED

Please notice that, due to force majeure, the lecture of Academic English Workshop I by Prof. Silvia Cavalieri scheduled on

- May 4th - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.1

is moved to

- May 12th - Friday - 14-17 room P1.4

The remaining lectures will take place as scheduled.

PhD Course: Academic English Workshop II

Lecturer: Prof. Silvia Cavalieri


- June 13th - Tuesday - 11-14 room P0.5

- June 15th - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.1

- June 20th - Tuesday - 11-14 room P0.5

- June 22nd - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.1


The main objective of the workshop is to provide PhD students with the knowledge of the theoretical and linguistic models that characterize the English academic language. The seminar intends to introduce language and stylistic tools t to write accurate texts. In particular, the AEWII will focus on some specific written genres of the academia, i.e. doctoral theses and posters and Phd students will have extensive opportunities to practice both with text analysis and with their production. Special attention will be given to argumentative techniques of posters ‘ oral presentations.

PhD Course: Academic English Workshop I

Lecturer: Prof. Silvia Cavalieri


- May 2nd - Tuesday - 11-14 room P0.5

- May 4th - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.1

- May 9th - Tuesday - 11-14 room P0.5

- May 11th - Thursday - 14-17 room P0.1

The workshop aims at giving an overview of the linguistic conventions adhered to by the English-speaking academic community, focussing on aspects such as the structure of research articles, the writing of abstracts and the preparation of conference presentations. More specifically, the workshop will try to raise the participants' awareness of the rhetorical and discourse patterns characteristic of academic English, introducing them to the skills required to produce texts which are accurate both from a grammatical and a stylistic point of view. Ample opportunities will be given for practice, both in the analysis and the production of texts. In particular, special attention will be given to argumentative writing techniques and to special genres such as the abstract and conference presentations.


Lecture Series 2023 (on line) IEEE SMC Italy Chapter

Nell'ambito dell'IEEE SMC (Systems Man and Cybernetics) Italy Chapter sono stati organizzati una serie di seminari online (su piattaforma Teams)

I seminari saranno il venerdi come da programma

Per informazioni rivolgersi a

PhD Course: IP & Law by Prof. Isabella Ferrari

The course for PhD students entitled "IP & Law" will kick-off on Tuesday Feb. 28th and will last for 4 (consecutive) weeks with the following schedule:

- Tuesday 8.30 am - 11.00 am room P0.2 (MO25)
- Friday 8.30 am - 10.00 am room P0.1 (MO25)

This course examines Intellectual Property laws by means of a comparative approach, focusing on international and domestic rules and proceedings, in order to provide engineering students with an overview on a central topic in their prospective career. The course will deeply touch on existing intellectual property laws, which encourage and protect intellectual goods, usually for a limited period of time, and their main output: to provide an economic incentive for design and creation, preventing illegal copying, and stimulating innovation and technological progress. There are various types of intellectual property, the most well-known being copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets, which will be analyzed in class.

The PhD in Information and Communication Technologies: promoting internationalisation with an eye on Industry and Big Data

Internationalisation abroad is an important indicator to assess the international dimension of a university. This category includes the PhD in Information and Communication Technologies, which provides a double degree with the University of Nottingham (UK) or the Technische Universitat Wien (Austria). The PhD in ICT offers basic scientific and technological-application training aimed at the study and design of new concepts, methodologies and technologies in the field of electronics, information technology and telecommunications. The Programme is divided into 3 curricula, all provided in English: Computer engineering and science; Electronics and telecommunications; Industrial applications of ICT. All curricula address topics of interest for Industry 4.0 and Big Data and fit into the research scenarios defined by Horizon Europe and the National Research Plan. PhDs who have chosen to pursue a professional career have been employed by companies and industrial research laboratories in the ICT sector, where they have held qualified positions, having their PhD years recognised as seniority. Electronics, IT, telecommunications and automation also offer various employment opportunities in the advanced service sector, in manufacturing districts, including the biomedical sector.

See the UNIMORE focus magazine at


Ruben Asanovski is awarded the prestigious "Roger Haken" Best student paper award at the 2022 International Electron Device Meeting

Modena 18/12/2022

We congratulate Ruben Asanovski, PhD student of the International Ph.D. school in ICT, who has been awarded the presigious "Roger Haken" Best student paper award at the 2022 IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) held in San Francisco from Dec.3 to Dec.7 for his research contribution entitled "New insights on the excess 1/f noise at cryogenic temperatures in 28 nm CMOS and Ge MOSFETs for quantum computing applications". The work has been carried out in collaboration with IMEC, Belgium (Dr. Jacopo Franco and Dr. Ben Kackzer team) under the co-supervision of Prof. Luca Selmi (UniMORE) and Prof. Pierpaolo Palestri (UniUD). The prize consists of a plaque, a 1000 USD Award, and a financial contribution to participate to the following edition of the meeting in San Francisco next year. where the prize will be conferred.

The IEEE is the largest electrical and electronics engineering association wordwide and IEDM is the premiere conference in the field of semiconductor device research and technology.


Material for the course on "Large Scale Geospatial Data Management" - 5-7 December 2022

The course "Large Scale Geospatial Data Management" held by Prof. José Ramón Ríos Viqueira of Research Center of Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS) of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) will take place from 5-7 December 2022 in the meeting room on the first floor of the MO27 building at the "Enzo Ferrari" Engineering Department and will be streamed on Teams. New material available.


Course on "Large Scale Geospatial Data Management" will be held from 5th to 7th December 2022

The course "Large Scale Geospatial Data Management" held by Prof. José Ramón Ríos Viqueira of Research Center of Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS) of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) will take place from 5-7 December 2022 in the meeting room on the first floor of the MO27 building at the "Enzo Ferrari" Engineering Department and will be streamed on Teams. Please fill out the Google form.

Graduatoria dottorato in ICT

Sono state pubblicate le graduatorie di ammissione per il dottorato in ICT, 38° ciclo.

Le graudatorie sono disponibili al link:

Scadenza immatricolazioni: 26 settembre 2022, ore 15:30
Enrollment deadline: 26 september 2022, at 3.30 pm (CET)


Sara Vecchi is awarded the "Best Student Paper Award" and the "People's Choice Award" at the 2022 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)

Modena 30/07/2022
Sara Vecchi, Ph.D. student of the International Ph.D. school in ICT, has been awarded both the "Best Student Paper Award" and the "People's Choice Award" at the 2022 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) for her research contribution "The Relevance of Trapped Charge for Leakage and Random Telegraph Noise Phenomena" co-supervised by Prof. Francesco Maria Puglisi and Prof. Paolo Pavan (UniMORE). Both awards will be conferred at the forthcoming 2023 edition of the IEEE IRPS to be held in Monterey, California, USA.

Open positions on ICT at the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE (Italy) - DEADLINE 28/7/22!

Several positions are available for the PhD Course in "Information and Communication Technologies" - ICT ( at the Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE (Italy) on advanced research topics in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications and Automation Control.

We are looking for motivated candidates will to undertake challenging but rewarding research projects. The minimum duration of the course is three years and the call for applicants is available at The deadline for applications is 28/07/2022, 1:00 PM (Italian time, CEST).

The programme is organized in three curricula: Computer engineering and science; Electronics and telecommunications; Industrial Applications of ICT. The latter is part of the Doctoral School E4E - "Engineering for Economics - Economics for Engineering". Research areas and topics are described at

The PhD course avails itself of a board of prestigious international advisors. The activity entails a minimum four months stage in laboratories of foreign research institutions or Universities. Please take a look at our site ( and the testimonials of our PhDs who have acquired prestigious academic and working positions.
Feel free to forward this email and information to colleagues and potential applicants.

Call for admission
[] (the ICT PhD
program starts at pag 33)

Call al bando []
(a partire da pagina 32)

Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
ICT Doctorate Coordinator

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Federico Leva receives an IEEE Nanotechnology Council Travel award for participation to the 2022 IEEE NANO Conference

Modena 21.6.2022

One of the students of the International Ph.D. school in ICT, Federico Leva, will receive an IEEE Nanotechnology Council Travel Award in support of its participation to the 2022 IEEE NANO Conference. At the Conference Federico Leva will present the latest results of his research entitled "A simulation study of FET-based nanoelectrodes for active intracellular neural recordings" where he shows how advanced multiscale multiphysics simulation platforms can be effectively used to investigate the transduction mechanisms at the basis of neural signal recordings for neuroscience studies.


Ruben Asanovski wins the "Androula Nassiopoulou" Best paper award of the SINANO Institute at the 2022 EUROSOI-ULIS Conference

Modena 17/06/2022

Ruben Asanovski, PhD student of the International Ph.D. school in ICT, has been awarded the "Androula Nassiopoulou" Best paper award of the SINANO Institute at the 2022 EUROSOI-ULIS Conference" for his research contribution "On the accuracy of the formula used to extract trap density in MOSFETs from 1/f noise". performed under the co-supervision of Prof. Luca Selmi (UniMORE) and Prof. Pierpaolo Palestri (UniUD). The prize consists of a Medal (Sinano Institute/EUROSOI-ULIS logos) and a 300€ Award, which will be conferred at the forthcoming EUROSOI-ULIS Conference 2023 in Tarragona, Spain.

The SINANO Association brings together the 25 major European research institutes in the field of micro and nanoelectronics and represents the IRDS International Roadmap for Devices and Systems in Europe, whose studies authoritatively guide the development of nanoelectronic technologies worldwide.

May 30th Seminar prof. Rita Cucchiara in the "Spotlights Seminars on AI" series organized by the AIxIA

Prof. Cucchiara will give, within the "Spotlights Seminars on AI" series organized by the AIxIA, a seminar entitled "Human behavior understanding in large-scale visual data".

The seminar will be held on 30/5 at 17.00, and will be broadcast on the AIxIA Youtube channel (

Further information is available in the seminar flyer:

June 7th Seminar Prof. Petter Kolm "Machine Learning applications in trading and Portfolio management"

On Wednesday, June 7th at 3 p.m, Prof. Petter Kolm from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, will give an invited talk concerning 'Machine Learning applications in trading and Portfolio management'.

Over the course of the talk, an overview of some of the most recent Machine Learning applications in trading and portfolio management will be illustrated. Subsequently, the subject of ML applications in finance will be addressed, discussing at which point the research in this field is at the present moment, and in which direction it is auspicable for it to go.

The seminar is organized with the support of the company Axyon AI, as part of the “School in AI: Deep Learning, Vision and Language for Industry” of Emila Romagna ASAI. It will be held at Room P 0.4. (Building MO-25), via Pietro Vivarelli, 10/1 - Modena.

More info here

You can also attend the seminar online via Teams through this link

Course on Robotics: Modeling, Identification and Control

On May 13th, 16th and 17th there will be a short class for Ph.D. students on Robotics; Modeling (prof. Zanasi), Identification (Prof. Giarré) and Control (prof. Biagiotti) from 10 to 13 in Sala Riunion, Building 26 DIEF Unimore and Teams. Please enroll the teams class.


PhD-DAY Workshop 2022

PhD-DAY Workshop 2022

Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Aula Magna, via S. Geminiano 3, Modena
Sabato 12 marzo 2022 Ore 09:00

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kickoff meeting XXXVII Cycle

All new PhD students of Cycle XXXVII are all invited to participate in person in the joint kickoff meeting of the DIEF doctorates, which will be held on Friday Dec3, from 9.00 a.m. at the Technopole room in Via Vivarelli10, Modena.

It will be a great opportunity for you to get to know each other and receive useful information on the development of your doctoral course. For those who are unable to participate in person, a Teams channel (by using the code cnjbxc0) for the streaming will be available.

3 Webinars with industrial and academic experts in electronic technologies

Starting on November 25th at 4pm with approximantely montly cadence 3 high-tech seminars will be offered by industrial and academic experts on radar sensor, tomographic reconstruction for high-resolution radar systems, Internet-of-Things key enabling technologies and solutions. Registration is free of charge at the webpage

Terzo Bando di ammissione ai Dottorati di Ricerca del XXXVII ciclo - A.A. 2021/22 - PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020 Azione IV.4 “Dottorati e contratti di ricerca su tematiche dell''innovazione” e Azione IV.5 “Dottorati su tematiche green”

Si è aperto il terzo Bando di ammissione ai Dottorati di Ricerca del XXXVII ciclo - A.A. 2021/22, che vede 12 posti con borsa su tematiche specifiche PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020 Azione IV.4 “Dottorati e contratti di ricerca su tematiche dell'innovazione” e Azione IV.5 “Dottorati su tematiche green”.

Il bando è disponibile alla pagina

La descrizione dei topic può essere trovata qui:

Apertura iscrizioni: ore 13,00 del 13 ottobre 2021 - Scadenza presentazione domande: ore 13,00 del 28 ottobre 2021
Registration opening: October 13, 2021 at 1:00 pm- Deadline for admission applications: October 28, 2021 at 1:00 pm Italian time

Eni Award

Call for candidates.

Graduatorie del corso di dottorato in “Information and communication technologies (ICT)".

Sono state pubblicate le graduatorie del corso di dottorato in “Information and communication technologies (ICT)".

I candidati possono visionarle selezionando la voce "Graduatoria ammessi” dalla pagina web del corso in italiano:
oppure selezionando la voce “Final ranking” dalla pagina web del corso in inglese:

Termine dell’immatricolazione: 7 ottobre 2021 ore 13.

Nuovo bando Eni Award 2022 - Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell''Anno.

E' stato pubblicato il nuovo bando Eni Award 2022 - Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell'Anno. Il Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell’Anno è rivolto a ricercatori che siano nati a partire dal 1989 o negli anni seguenti, dottorandi o dottori di ricerca che abbiano conseguito o debbano conseguire nel corso del 2020 o del 2021 il loro titolo di studio in una università italiana su temi relativi ai settori energetico e ambientale.

La scadenza per la registrazione dell’account necessario alla presentazione della candidatura è fissata per venerdì 12 novembre 2021, entro e non oltre le ore 17. La procedura di candidatura potrà invece essere conclusa anche successivamente, non oltre venerdì 26 novembre 2021 alle ore 17.

Per ulteriori approfondimenti, le versioni integrali del bando di questo premio e di tutti gli altri premi Eni Award sono disponibili al link sotto.

PhD position announcement

One PhD position with scholarship for the PhD Programme in ICT on "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for the enhancement of energy virtuosity".

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All PhD students of the ICT school are qualified to follow the tutorials and Plenary Sessions of the IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON METROLOGY FOR AUTOMOTIVE without registration.
At the link, it is possible to see the entire program of the event and access the sessions of interest.

18 PhD positions on ICT at the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE (Italy)

We are glad to announce that 18 PhD positions are available for the PhD Course in "Information and Communication Technologies" - ICT ( at the Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE (Italy) on advanced research topics in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications and Automation Control.

We are looking for motivated candidates will to undertake challenging but rewarding research projects. The minimum duration of the course is three years and the call for applicants is available at The deadline for applications is 06/07/2021, 1:00 PM (Italian time, CEST).

The programme is organized in three curricula: Computer engineering and science; Electronics and telecommunications; Industrial Applications of ICT. The latter is part of the Doctoral School E4E - "Engineering for Economics - Economics for Engineering". Research areas and topics are described at

The PhD course avails itself of a board of prestigious international advisors. The activity entails a minimum four months stage in laboratories of foreign research institutions or Universities. Please take a look at our site ( and the testimonials of our PhDs who have acquired prestigious academic and working positions.
Scholarships have a minimum annual amount of euro 15343. Additional benefits such as for instance accommodation facilities and subsidies are available. Details are available in the articles no. 9 and 10 of the call for applications.
Feel free to forward this email and information to colleagues and potential applicants.

Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
ICT Doctorate Coordinator

Prof.Jaccheri, Innovitalia and the Oda prize

On june 2nd, for the national Italian festa della repubblica, the Diplomacy scientific Portal from the Italian ministry of foreign affairs INNOVITALIA has cited prof. Letizia Jaccheri (member of our international committee) regarding the topic Women and science. The article cited the fact that she was the winner of a prestigious Norwegian prize for her work on gender equality in the technology industry.

Letizia Jaccheri on May 6thm 2021 won the Norwegian Oda Award on gender equality in science.

Among the reasons for the award: "Through her work in academia and computer science Letizia inspires young technology enthusiasts. She is known for supporting and helping women to seize the best opportunities and lead change".



Congratulazioni a Luca Bergamini, Matteo Fabbri, Matteo Paganelli, Nicolo Parmeggiani, Giulio Salierno e Nicolo'Zagni che hanno conseguito il Titolo di Dottore di Ricerca (via streaming)!

Tommaso Zanotti is awarded the Travel Award 2021 by the Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications

One of the students of the International Ph.D. school in ICT, Eng. Tommaso Zanotti, has been awarded the "Travel Award 2021" by the international open access "Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications" for his research results on innovative energy-efficient neuromorphic and Logic-in-Memory computing architectures based on emerging non-volatile memories, performed under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Maria Puglisi.

Designazione rappresentanti degli studenti nel collegio ICT

Esito designazione rappresentanti degli studenti nel collegio ICT: Stefanini Matteo (CSE) XXIV ciclo eletto a maggioranza (10 voti su 11); Luca Lusvarghi (ET) XXXV ciclo eletto a maggioranza (5 su 9 voti); Del Buono( IAI) eletto a maggioranza (10 su 14 voti). Benvenuti!

Tommaso Zanotti is awarded the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE IIRW 2020

One of the students of the International Ph.D. school in ICT, Eng. Tommaso Zanotti, has been awarded the "Best Student Paper Award" at the international conference IEEE IIRW 2020 for his paper entitled "Circuit Reliability Analysis of In-Memory Inference in Binarized Neural Networks", under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Maria Puglisi.

Graduatorie del corso di dottorato in “Information and communication technologies (ICT)".

Sono state pubblicate le quattro graduatorie del corso di dottorato in “Information and communication technologies (ICT)".

I candidati possono visionarle selezionando la voce "Graduatoria ammessi” dalla pagina web del corso in italiano:
oppure selezionando la voce “Final ranking” dalla pagina web del corso in inglese:

Termine dell’immatricolazione: 28 settembre 2020 ore 15,30.


Congratulazioni ai dottorandi Davide Abati, Giovanni Apruzzese, Federico Bolelli, Elena Cipressi, Marcella Cornia, Lucio Fanton, Luca Gagliardelli, Fabio Giovanardi, Andrea Palazzi, Dario Stabili che hanno conseguito il Titolo di Dottori di Ricerca (via streaming).

DDay 2020 rinviato a data da definirsi

In considerazione dell’evoluzione dell’infezione coronavirus COVID-19, in accordo con il Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, con la Regione Emilia-Romagna e le altre Università della Regione, al fine di ridurre le possibilità di contagio e agevolare gli studenti e il personale che abbiano difficoltà di spostamento, Unimore ha disposto la sospensione delle attività didattiche (lezioni, esami di profitto e sedute di lauree) da lunedì 24 febbraio a sabato 29 febbraio 2020 compresi, presso tutte le sedi dell’Ateneo, con la garanzia che date e scadenze del calendario accademico saranno adeguate di conseguenza.

Pertanto, anche il DDay 2020 programmato per venerdì 28 febbraio viene rimandato a data da definirsi.

Maggiori informazioni sulla news pubblicata sul sito di Ateneo.

Apply for Next Heidelberg Laureate Forum. Applications Due February 14 2020

As ACM appointed Review Committee member for the Computer Science section I solicit master students and ICT phd students to apply to HFL. HLF brings together recipients of the Turing Award, the ACM Prize in Computing, the Fields Medal, Abel Prize, and the Nevanlinna Prize to meet with 200 young researchers for a week in Heidelberg, Germany. The week is a mix of presentations by the laureates, young researcher posters and workshops, as well as social events. I am always impressed with all the laureates who so eagerly talk with the young researchers to discuss research and share stories. Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi

Admission to the PhD Courses of the XXXV cycle

The selection announcement for admission to the PhD Courses of the XXXV cycle with administrative headquarters at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has been published on the University website (deadline 20 June 2019 at 1 p.m.


StartCup 2019

Riparte la competizione tra progetti innovativi dell’Emilia-Romagna con tantissime novità!

La nuova edizione della Start Cup sarà dedicata alle idee ad alto contenuto tecnologico in ambito legate al mondo della ricerca, si concentrerà sullo sviluppo di sinergie con altri programmi sul territorio e vedrà la collaborazione di grandi aziende del territorio in un’ottica di open innovation.

Il bando chiude alle ore 13.00 del 15 maggio 2019.

Apply for Next Heidelberg Laureate Forum, September 22-27, 2019: Applications Due February 15

As ACM appointed Review Committee member for the Computer Science section I solicit master students and ICT phd students to apply to HFL. HLF brings together recipients of the Turing Award, the ACM Prize in Computing, the Fields Medal, Abel Prize, and the Nevanlinna Prize to meet with 200 young researchers for a week in Heidelberg, Germany. The week is a mix of presentations by the laureates, young researcher posters and workshops, as well as social events. I am always impressed with all the laureates who so eagerly talk with the young researchers to discuss research and share stories. Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi

Nuovo bando Eni Award 2019 - Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell'Anno.

E' stato pubblicato il nuovo bando Eni Award 2019 - Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell'Anno.
Il Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell'Anno è un Premio destinato a dottorandi e dottori di ricerca che abbiano conseguito o conseguiranno il loro titolo di studio in un ateneo italiano nel corso del 2017 o del 2018, e che le candidature presentate devono riguardare temi relativi ai settori energetico e ambientale.

Bando aggiuntivo di selezione per l’ammissione ai Corsi di Dottorato di ricerca del XXXIV

Si comunica che è stato pubblicato, sul sito web di Ateneo, il bando di selezione per l’ammissione ai Corsi di Dottorato di ricerca del XXXIV ciclo con sede amministrativa presso l’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia per posti, su tematiche specifiche, finanziati con borse di studio relativamente all’iniziativa di cui in oggetto. Il bando è reperibile alla pagina web alla voce “Bandi e graduatorie - Bandi di ammissione ai Corsi di Dottorato”. La pagina è raggiungibile collegandosi al sito web e seguendo il percorso “Didattica”, “Dottorati di ricerca”.

Application Invitation

Dear Students, if you are expecting to complete your Italian second level degree, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad, in October 2018, in the areas of Information and Communication technology, you are warmly invited to apply for a three years PhD course at the International Doctorate School in "Information and Communication Technologies" - ICT ( of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia- UNIMORE (Italy) promoted by the department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" (

RTSI 2018 and IEEE Young Professional Competition

The 4th RTSI forum (, bringing together leading representatives from politics, industry and academia to foster technological innovation and excellence in all the fields of primary interest for IEEE, including power systems, electronics, informatics, automation, and computer engineering, offers a great opportunity to YP to be on the stage showing advancements in their fields. Hence, the RTSI’18 forum includes a YP competition that consists of presenting a Poster and a Demo related to the YP research activities. This competition can be considered as a forum for showcasing the state of the art in a broad range of fields that include all the themes belonging to RTSI. Demos can be considered as real, practical, and interactive proof of the presenters’ research ideas and scientific or engineering contributions, with the goal of offering YP the opportunity to discuss systems, applications, prototypes, or proofs-of-concept with Senior researchers and people from industry.

New PhDs of the ICT doctorate

The ICT phd students of the XXX cycle: Lorenzo Baraldi, Stefano Alletto, Song Zhu, Marco Lasagni, Francesca Facchini, Emilio Sirignano, Fabrizio Balducci successfully defended their PHD thesis on on February 13th at 10 a.m. at the First Floor meeting room - DIEF - building 27, street P Vivarelli n.10. To them go the congratulations of the coordinator and of the doctorate council. We wait them and all the ICT Phd students for the D-Day on February the 19th to show their research activities. Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi


Student selected for the 1st ASCENT PhD Accelerator Programme

On November 20th 2017 imec hosted the very first ASCENT PhD Accelerator workshop. Various topics were covered addressing reliability and failure mechanisms in state-of-the art microelectronic devices. This gave the opportunity to 6 international students, selected by the 3 institutes from a pool of ~40 applicants interested to step in the ASCENT project, to get insights in dielectric breakdown, self-heating, back-end reliability, etc.
One of the 6 selected students is Nicolò Zagni of the International Doctorate in ICT, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

TACC Training for Automotive Companies Creation

Lo scorso 29 novembre è stato pubblicato il bando per le candidature al progetto TACC Training for Automotive Companies Creation, percorso sperimentale e innovativo di orientamento e formazione all'imprenditorialità del settore automotive, in contesto interdisciplinare.
Il progetto è dedicato agli studenti delle lauree magistrali e ai dottorandi di UniMoRe e può rappresentare una interessante opportunità per acquisire competenze e soft skills in tema di innovazione e imprenditività, utili nel mondo del lavoro.
E' possibile scaricare presentazione sintetica , manifesto e call for applications.
Fino al 9 gennaio sarà possibile candidarsi per partecipare al progetto e l'inizio delle attività è previsto a marzo 2018. Ulteriori info al link


Demo Award

Demo Award
Luca Gagliardelli (XXXII cycle) received the 2nd prize ex aequo at the IEEE Young Professional Event (demo competition) for his demo "SparkER: an Entity Resolution framework for Apache Spark".
The prize was awarded at the 3rd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (


Thesis Award

Thesis Award
Giovanni Simonini received the Award for the best PhD Thesis defended in an Italian University in 2016 from the IEEE Computer Society Italy Section Chapter Computer Science and Engineering with his PhD dissertaion titled "Loosely Schema-aware Techniques for Big Data Integration".
Giovanni obtained is PhD in the 2016 from the ICT International Doctorate of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (XXVIII cycle) under the supervision of Prof. Sonia Bergmaschi
The prize was awarded at the 3rd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (

Ranking and Admission

The ranking of the Doctoral Program in ICT has been published; go to for more information on what to do to get enrolled - deadline October 2th

Avviso - tasse

Coloro che partecipano alle procedure selettive di ammissione ai Dottorati di ricerca del XXXIII ciclo (anno accademico 2017/2018) e coloro che devono iscriversi al secondo o terzo anno dei Dottorati di ricerca per l'anno accademico 2017/2018 sono pregati di leggere attentamente quanto indicato nell'avviso riportato e nel relativo allegato.


The deadline for the submission of candidates' applications will be July 13, 2017 (13:00). The admission is reserved to students who will be obtain their degree before October 31, 2017. The admission commettee will consider documents produced by the candidates within the deadline mentioned above. The new call for applications has been released and is available through the following link.

Si comunica che la scadenza del termine per la presentazione delle domande dei candidati sarà il 13 Luglio 2017 (ore 13:00) e che ai concorsi di ammissione potranno partecipare coloro che alla data del 31 ottobre 2017 saranno in possesso del titolo accademico previsto. Saranno oggetto di valutazione da parte delle Commissioni giudicatrici i soli documenti prodotti dai candidati entro la scadenza sopra citata. Il bando e la documentazione sono scaricabili al seguente link.