RTSI 2018 and IEEE Young Professional Competition

The 4th RTSI forum (http://rtsi2018.ieeesezioneitalia.it/), bringing together leading representatives from politics, industry and academia to foster technological innovation and excellence in all the fields of primary interest for IEEE, including power systems, electronics, informatics, automation, and computer engineering, offers a great opportunity to YP to be on the stage showing advancements in their fields. Hence, the RTSI’18 forum includes a YP competition that consists of presenting a Poster and a Demo related to the YP research activities. This competition can be considered as a forum for showcasing the state of the art in a broad range of fields that include all the themes belonging to RTSI. Demos can be considered as real, practical, and interactive proof of the presenters’ research ideas and scientific or engineering contributions, with the goal of offering YP the opportunity to discuss systems, applications, prototypes, or proofs-of-concept with Senior researchers and people from industry.

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