Available Research Topics for XXXIV Cycle (Nov 2018 - Oct 2021)
This page lists all the topics currently under research in the ICT school, divided in areas
Note that the topics are in alphabetical order (by tutor surname).
Electronics and Telecommunications
- Tutor: Maurizio Casoni
- Tutor: Alessandro Chini
- Tutor: Laura Giarrè
- Multi sensors Localization and navigation for self-driving application
- Shared control for robotic systems: from pre-planned tasks to autonomous execution [Cotutors: Luigi Biagiotti]
- Modeling and Control of Automotive Hybrid Systems [Cotutors: Roberto Zanasi]
- Tutor: Luca Pasquali
- Tutor: Luigi Rovati
- Tutor: Luca Selmi
- Simulation and Characterization of Massively Parallel Electronic Sensing Nano-Devices for the Internet of Things / Internet of Health [Cotutors: Luigi Rovati, Prof. Pierpaolo Palestri]
- Tutor: Luca Vincetti
- Hollow core optical fibers for industrial applications [Cotutors: F. Benabid – University of Limoges (Fr)]
- Tutor: Giorgio Matteo Vitetta
Computer Engineering and Science
- Tutor: Domenico Beneventano
- Tutor: Sonia Bergamaschi
- Intelligent Big Data Management and Analysis of Medical Internet devices (mHealth)
- Pay-as-you go Big Data Integration [Cotutors: Felix Naumann –University of Postdam]
- Tutor: Giacomo Cabri
- Tutor: Simone Calderara
- Tutor: Rita Cucchiara
- Visual Intelligence for mobile autonomous robots
- Human Behavior Understanding by Computer Vision in the Deep Learning Era
- Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence for Automotive applications
- Multimedia Data Learning: Processing, Understanding, Retrieval by new Deep Learning paradigms - Grant by Fondo Sociale Europeo PO 2014-2020 Regione Emilia-Romagna
- Tutor: Costantino Grana
- Tutor: Francesco Guerra
- Tutor: Riccardo Martoglia
- Tutor: Laura Po
- Tutor: Marco Villani
Industrial applications of ICT
- Tutor: Sonia Bergamaschi
- Artificial Conversational Entity (Chatbot) - Grant by QUIX [Cotutors: ing. Andrea Prandini]
- Tutor: Simone Calderara
- Structured deep learning techniques and application for the future farm - Grant by farm4trade
- Deep learning deployment in the future farm - Grant by farm4trade [Cotutors: Andrea Capobianco Dondona]
- Tutor: Rita Cucchiara
- Multimedia and Deep Learning technologies for Video Understanding - Grant by Metaliquid
- Tutor: Laura Giarrè
- Modeling and Control of Mechatronic Systems [Cotutors: Roberto Zanasi, Luigi Biagiotti]
- Tutor: Luigi Rovati
- Tutor: Luca Vincetti
- Photonic Technologies for real time monitoring of product quality in manufacturing and agri-food industry [Cotutors: Alessandro Candiani (DNA Phone)]