PhD Teaching / Seminar "Introduction to Big Data Integration" and "Engineering Information Systems in Smart Manufacturing"

Prof. Donatella Firmani Sapienza Università di Roma
PhD Teaching / Seminar
Introduction to Big Data Integration

Data Integration (DI) is the fundamental problem of building a unified view of data residing in different sources. Over the decades, different generations of DI techniques have succeeded. Nowadays, in the Big Data era, the scale at which data are produced and analyzed poses unprecedented challenges. Big Data Integration (BDI) is the set of techniques developed in response to those challenges and is different from traditional DI in fundamental ways, related to the Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity of the sources. This seminar aims at providing an introduction to these methods and related notions.
Class schedule:
Monday February 20th, 2023
Room M0.2 (ground floor, Mathematics building) 10:00 – 12:00 Room 1.7 (first floor, Mathematics building) 14:00 – 16:00
Prof. Francesco Leotta Sapienza Università di Roma
PhD Teaching / Seminar
Engineering Information Systems in Smart Manufacturing

The continuous evolution of digital technologies applied to the more traditional world of industrial automation led to smart manufacturing (also known as Industry 4.0), which envisions production processes subject to continuous monitoring and able to dynamically respond to changes that can affect the product life cycle at any stage (resilient factory). The goal of this seminar is to instruct the attendees about the employment of information systems engineering at different levels of granularity in smart manufacturing. In particular, this tutorial will focus on the role of technologies, including AI, on the full supply chain (inter-actor interaction), at the level of single actors and production sites, and at the level of the specific machinery. Involved technologies are different at each level of granularities and their integration is sometimes difficult to imagine, as proposed approaches focus on very limited aspects of complex information systems.
Class schedule:
Tuesday February 21st, 2023
Room “Laboratorio Zironi” (first floor, Mathematics building) 09:00 – 13:00