Courses of Academic Year 2021/2022

A preliminar list of the didactic offer of the ICT doctorate follows. The list will be completed and updated during the year.
Seminars on Bibliometrics and research Evaluation will be offered by UNIMORE for all the doctorate courses.

Applied spectroscopic methods and Working principles of organic optoelectronic devices

Lecturer: Luca Pasquali

February 2022 - Tuesday 8, Thursday 10, Tuesday 15 Thursday 17 from 9 am to 1 pm room MO26-01-010.

The course aims at introducing electron and optical spectroscopies for the characterization of the chemical and physical properties of materials. Optical and electron spectroscopies are widely used analytical tools, even at industrial level. The basics of spectroscopic characterization tools will be given, together with examples of applications. During the course a section aims at providing the fundamental conceptual elements at the basis of the working of electronic and opto-electronic organic devices together with the context of exploitation of this technology from the more consolidated applications already in the market to the most pioneering approaches.

Colloquium and Discussion of a literature paper in the field of organic electronics.

CFD: 4

Data Analytics

Lecturer: Dr. Paolo Missier

to be defined

The aim of the course is to introduce students to two important elements of data engineering technology that makes it possible to extract valuable knowledge from “Big Data”, namely distributed data processing using the MapReduce framework, and data analytics on large graphs. In each case, the course will first introduce fundamental theoretical and architectural concepts, and then present technology for using MapReduce and querying large graphs, respectively. For MapReduce, we present examples of algorithms that can be successfully parallelised and thus are able to take advantage of distributed data architectures, and we will suggest practical exercises using the Spark and Hadoop technology stack. Regarding graph analytics, we focus on community detection algorithms as an example, and we will use the Neo4J graph DBMS along with the Graph Data Science library for practical exercises.

Not yet defined

CFD: 4

Data Profiling

Lecturer: Prof. Felix Naumann

May 9 – May 13, 2022 (12 hours)
Monday - Thursday
11:00-12:30 Lecture 1
14:00-15:30 Lecture 2
16:00 – 17:00 Hands on session

11:00-12:30 Lecture 1
14:00-15:30 Lecture 2
16:00 – 17:00 Exam

Data profiling is the process of examining the data available in an existing data source and collecting statistics and information about that data. It encompasses a vast array of methods to examine data sets and produce metadata. Among the simpler results are statistics, such as the number of null values and distinct values in a column, its data type, or the most frequent patterns of its data values. Metadata that are more difficult to compute involve multiple columns, such as inclusion dependencies or functional dependencies. Data profiling is relevant as a preparatory step to many use cases, such as query optimization, data mining, data integration, and data cleansing. Topics of the lecture include the deficient detection of unique column combinations, functional dependencies, inclusion dependencies, order dependencies, and denial constraints, and the semantic interpretation of profiling results.

Written exam – 1h

CFD: 4

Modelling, Identification and Control of Robot

Lecturer: Luigi Biagiotti, Laura Giarrè, Roberto Zanasi

On May 13th, 16th and 17th there will be a short class for Ph.D. students on Robotics: Modeling(Zanasi), Identification (Giarré) and Control (Biagiotti) from 10 to 13 in Sala Riunioni, Building 26 DIEF Unimore and Teams. Teams: May 13th 2002 May 16th, 2022 May 17th, 2022

On May 13th, 16th and 17th there will be a short class for Ph.D. students on Robotics: Modeling(Zanasi), Identification (Giarré) and Control (Biagiotti) from 10 to 13 in Sala Riunioni, Building 26 DIEF Unimore and Teams. Teams: May 13th 2002 May 16th, 2022 May 17th, 2022


CFD: 4

Semiclassical and quantum mechanical foundations of modern nanoscale FET device operation

Lecturer: Prof. Luca Selmi

9.30 alle 11.30 dei giorni 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 giugno. Aule P1.6, P1.6, P1.5, P1.5, P1.5, P1.4

Based on a succinct and highly focused review of a few key concepts of quantum mechanics the course will introduce the foundations of the semi-classical approach to nanoscale electron device modeling. Selected elements of quantum mechanics are merged with classical electrostatics and transport theory to yield a state of the art description of advanced nanoscale FET. Conventional, strained and alternative channel materials, quasi-ballistic transport in a 2D or 1D electron gas, FinFET, double gate FDSOI, nanowire, nanosheet and nanofork gate all around device architectures will be addressed.

to be defined

CFD: 3

Academic English Workshop I

Lecturer: Silvia Cavalieri

May-June 2022

The workshop aims at giving an overview of the linguistic conventions adhered to by the English-speaking academic community, focussing on aspects such as the structure of research articles, the writing of abstracts and the preparation of conference presentations. More specifically, the workshop will try to raise the participants' awareness of the rhetorical and discourse patterns characteristic of academic English, introducing them to the skills required to produce texts which are accurate both from a grammatical and a stylistic point of view. Ample opportunities will be given for practice, both in the analysis and the production of texts. In particular, special attention will be given to argumentative writing techniques and to special genres such as the abstract and conference presentations.

Written assessment: abstract writing; oral assessment: conference presentation

CFD: 3

Tech Law

Lecturer: Prof. Isabella Ferrari
Lecturer details


Monday June 27, 2022, 10 am-1 pm: Room P2.4

Tuesday June 28, 2022, 10 am-1 pm: Room P2.4

Wednesday June 29, 2022, 10 am-1 pm: Room P2.2

Thursday June 30, 2022, 10 am-1 pm: Room P2.4

Friday July 1, 2022, 10 am-1 pm: Room P2.1


This course examines the interaction between law and engineering, in order to provide students with an interdisciplinary perspective on nowadays global challenges.

The course will deeply touch on the so-called 'Law by design' approach, comparing efficient solutions set by governments, parliaments, international bodies and technical players on the domestic and the international stage.

Special attention will be dedicated to:

- intellectual property laws, patents, trademarks and trade secrets, which prevent illegal copying, while stimulatinginnovation and technological progress;

- ethics and civil liability for the use of tools embedding artificial intelligence;

- privacy issues and rules.

oral assessment (Friday July 1, 2022)

CFD: 4

How to implement your own Deep Learning framework

Lecturer: Prof. Roberto Paredes
Dr. Roberto Paredes is Full Professor of Computer Science at Universitat Politècnica de València in Spain (UPV). He has been the first Director of the Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology Research Center ( and President of the AERFAI (Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis National Association).
He got the recognition of four periods of six years on research work (“sexenios”) by the Spanish government. His h-index is 25 according to Google Scholar. The research interests of Roberto Paredes include deep learning, machine learning, pattern recognition, biometrics and their application to computer vision and big data analysis.
Professor Paredes is also co-founder and CTO of the spin-off Solver Intelligent Analytics (, a company, which creates predictive models based on Big Data and Machine Learning with high accuracy and speed rates.
He has participated in several National and European Research Projects. Currently he is the Lead Developer of the European Distributed Deep Learning Library under the DeepHealth European Project (
Roberto Paredes is the coauthor of more than 30 articles in international journals, 10 of them in the top of journal rankings, more than 100 articles in proceedings of international and national conferences. He has been invited by Universities and Corporations to give talks and courses like in Google Zurich, BBVA Data & Analytics and University of Modena, among others.
Roberto Paredes has participated in several contracts with companies. He has transferred different technologies around biometrics, deep learning fraud detection and computer vision, among others. He has received different awards like the Best Face Verification Algorithm in AVBPA 2003.

14-16 September 2022, 10:00-13:00, P2.3

The course will show how the operations that we normally delegate to a deep learning framework are implemented, starting from the three-year experience of developing the EDDL library, during the DeepHealth project.

short quiz

CFD: 3

The “Wide” Advantage in Power Electronics

Lecturer: Nicolò Zagni and Alessandro Chini

6-8-13-15/09 dalle 9 alle 12


The course introduces students to the performance improvement that power electronic circuits can achieve by taking advantage of the “wide-band-gap” semiconductor technologies.

Gallium-Nitride and Silicon-Carbide based devices recently entered the market but they are expected to replace in a near future the conventional Silicon-based devices that represent nowadays the mainstream technology.

The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Power electronics and its applications/markets, wide-band gap semiconductors, figures of merit, basic power switching converters
  2. SiC and GaN devices: operating principles, power transistors structures
  3. Stability and Reliability of GaN HEMTs, trapping effects, trapping mechanisms, measurement techniques
  4. Advanced research topics: hole redistribution model, breakdown mechanisms, partial Ron recovery, vertical GaN devices, ultra wide-band gap devices

Written Test

CFD: 3

Academic English Workshop II

Lecturer: Silvia Cavalieri

Sept. 2022

The main objective of the workshop is to provide PhD students with the knowledge of the rhetorical and linguistic models that characterize the English academic language. The seminar intends to introduce language and stylistic tools t to write accurate texts. In particular, the AEWII will focus on some specific written genres of the academia, i.e. doctoral theses and posters and Phd students will have extensive opportunities to practice both with text analysis and with their production. Special attention will be given to argumentative techniques of posters ‘ oral presentations.

written assessment: writing a paper introduction; oral assessment: poster presentation.

CFD: 3

Corsi Di Formazione Complementare Per Dottorandi E Assegnisti Ediz. 2021/2022

Lecturer: Barbara Rebecchi, Ferdinando Di Maggio, Federica Manzoli, Nadja Seding, Giulia Catellani, Valeria Bergonzini, Valeria Goldoni

20/6/22 - 28/6/22

See program details .

La valutazione si basa sulla somministrazione di questionari, compilabili soltanto dopo aver visualizzato interamente le videolezioni. Per poter ottenere l’attestato di partecipazione i frequentanti dovranno rispondere correttamente almeno al 50% delle domande. Al termine dell’erogazione del corso, l’ufficio ricerca internazionale estrarrà i report delle presenze e valutazioni direttamente dal portale Dolly. Successivamente provvederemo ad inoltrare a ciascun corso o scuola di dottorato i dettagli dei rispettivi partecipanti.

CFD: 6