Seminar:Gender Issues in Computer Science Research, Education, and Society.

Speaker: Prof. Letizia Jaccheri NTNU Trondheim

Title: Gender Issues in Computer Science Research, Education, and Society.

When? Thursday 16/12/2021 at 15.00

For Whom? Researchers, PHD Students, Bachelor and Master Students, External actors

Where? Aula Gerace Dipartimento di Informatica Università di Pisa and Virtual on zoom

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Abstract: This lecture addresses gender issues in Computer science from Research, Education,
Society perspectives. Jaccheri will start from UN Goal 5, Achieve gender equality and empower
all women and girls to contextualize the topic in an open and meaningful context. She presents research
issues, some from her own projects, others from examples of biased technology, like smartphone voice
assistants and data sets for job recruiting based on male population.

Then, she presents statistics about female presence in education, research and industry.
Further, the presentation goes in depth and presents specific projects for increasing gender balance
among students and among professors. The presentation concludes with a list of International projects
and resources. The goal is to start a dialogue with the local community and exchange best practice.
The seminar will be as interactive as possible and will be offered as hybrid event.

Letizia Jaccheri (Master in CS from University of Pisa, PhD from Politecnico di Torino, Italy) is a Professor
at the Department of Computer Science of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and
adjunct professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Jaccheri’s research is on software engineering,
at the intersection with art, gender, and social innovation. Letizia has published more than 200 papers in
international conferences and journals, has supervised PhD students and Post-doctoral students, and has
acted as opponent for national and international defenses.

Prof. Jaccheri has been teaching courses in software engineering at various levels since 1994,
with a passion for the course Customer Driven Project (link
From 2015 to April 2018 she acted as one of the independent directors of Reply S.p.A., the largest Italian
IT company with 9059 employees. From 2013 to 2017 she was department head for the Computer Science department
at NTNU. She is ACM Distinguished speaker (link . In 2021
she got two prizes: the ODA Award Woman women prize and the NTNU prize for gender equality and diversity for
her work in gender and computer science with the projects IDUN (link,
EUGAIN (link and Kodeløypa (link
Prof. Jaccheri has plans to contribute to address the issue of diversity in computer science at local and
international level.

Useful links: