PhD Courses on Ferroelectric Technology for Low-Power Neuromorphic Chips

In the framework of the BeFerroSynaptic H2020 EU project, a cycle of teaching courses conceived for PhD students will be given on the hot and intriguing topic of Ferroelectric Technology for Low-Power Neuromorphic Chips. The seminars, organized in two half days, will cover aspects related to a wide spectrum of disciplines ranging from materials modeling up to device engineering and neuromorphic circuit conception, with an eye on the system-level organization of futuristic ultra-low-power chips for pervasive artificial intelligence.
PhD students how are interested in participating should contact Prof. Francesco Maria Puglisi ( to receive instructions on how to join the meetings.

Here the detailed schedule:

12th February 2021 - Device modeling and characterization

Time Presentation Duration Q&A Duration Topic Speaker
09:00 - 10:40 01:30 00:10

Modelling and design of polarization dependent
tunnelling in Ferroelectric Tunnelling Junctions

D. Esseni (University of Udine)
10:45 - 11:25 00:30 00:10

Electrostatic Effects in FeFETs: Influence of
the Gate Length and Device Design

P. Lenarczyk (ETH Zurich)
11:30 - 12:25 00:45 00:10

Reliability Characterization Tools for Ferroelectrics

F. M. Puglisi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

19th February 2021 - Spice models, circuits and architectures

Time Presentation Duration Q&A Duration Topic Speaker
09:00 - 10:10 01:00 00:10

Ferroelectric device operation and compact models

S. Slesazeck (NaMLab)
10:15 - 11:25 01:00 00:10

Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems for Extreme-Edge IoT Applications

G. Indiveri (ETH Zurich)
E. Chicca (University of Groningen)
11:30 - 12:10 00:30 00:10

BEOL integration of ferroelectric materials

L. Grenouillet (CEA-LETI)
J. Coignus (CEA-LETI)

12:15 - 12:55 00:30 00:10 Boundary conditions for bringing disruptive technologies to market B. Offrein (IBM)