Seminar Announcement

Venerdì 15 Dicembre 2017, ore 14,00-16,00, nell'Aula P1.6, nell'ambito degli Insegnamenti di Big Data Analysis e Progettazione del Software del Corso di laurea magistrale in INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA, percorso Data Engineering and Analytics, il dottore di ricerca Matteo Interlandi, terrà il seminario:
" Big data analytics beyond MapReduce"

Abstract: MapReduce was introduced by Google in 2004. Thanks to its functional programming abstraction and fault-tolerant distributed framework, MapReduce makes easy to write parallel programs. In 2004 MapReduce was mostly used for web indexing; however nowadays we are seeing different type of applications (relational, graphs or machine learning analytics for example) which does not fit well within the MapReduce paradigm. In this talk I will use some research projects I have been working on in the past years to (1) introduce Apache Spark and Apache REEF; (2) describe how relational, graphs and machine learning applications can be efficiently run at scale using such systems; and (3) illustrate system's pros, cons and design choices.

Each seminar allows to acquire a CFD

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